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  • lfc
    May 3, 02:34 AM
    First of all, this looks like this only works when you are in LaunchPad mode so there, it makes perfect sense. I truly doubt the press/hold/jiggle works in the Applications folder, where it would be very out-of-place.

    Imagine that Apple did not put in the feature there in LaunchPad which is suppose to be iPad-like... people would come out of the woodwork to piss/moan about how Apple was lame to not unify the process with the press/hold/jiggle.

    Secondly, this only works for Apps that have been downloaded from the App store,... this is probably implemented so that when you say YES, delete this, it will then give you an option to rate the App while simply deleting the App with a Command-Delete or a drag to the Trash would not invoke such a Rating option.

    Thirdly, it's not like Apple is taking away the other options of trashing an App. Use the method that you're like and MYOB and STHU. Honestly.

    50% of Mac buyers are new users so they're use to this from iPhones/iPads/iPods. Let them be comfortable. I've been on a Mac since 1995 but I realize that Apple needs to help switchers be comfortable. All the changes to Mac OS X that I've seen so far, I'm really looking forward. If you don't want 'em. Don't upgrade. Oh... and STHU.

    Exactly. Completely agree except for the rating on delete thing. That was taken out of iOS since iOS4 so it's not likely to be in LaunchPad.

    worst tattoos ever. Worst Mom Tattoos Ever |
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  • Otaillon
    Nov 23, 08:59 PM

    worst tattoos ever. Stupid tattoo
  • Stupid tattoo

  • lordonuthin
    Nov 20, 09:51 PM
    holy crap dude, thats why i fold at work. since big adv i shut off my 4ghz hackie folder

    how many machines do you have running?

    8 and I would never be allowed to do any folding at work, even though I work in IT at a large biotech firm...

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  • babyj
    Nov 29, 06:11 PM
    Whilst I'm not Microsofts biggest fan, their Media Centre is pretty good, actually its a lot more than pretty good - even I'm tempted. Once you've got Media Centre running on your PC, you can hook up a �200 Xbox 360 to access all the content (music, video, digital tv etc). The PVR side of Media Centre is excellent as well.

    If the iTV is going to cost �100, it will need to do something pretty special to be a success - everything that Microsoft offerings can do at the very least.

    worst tattoos ever. Re: Worst Tattoos ever.
  • Re: Worst Tattoos ever.

  • corywoolf
    Sep 6, 03:26 PM
    How is it expensive? 99$ a year is $8.25 a month...thats not bad!
    Luckily I get .Mac for free, but $99 is very expensive when compared to using flcker, gmail, youtube, etc.

    worst tattoos ever. The only time anyone will ever
  • The only time anyone will ever

  • milo
    Aug 30, 07:38 AM
    Those prices might not be valid anymore. And could you mention any of the reasons why anyone would use Yonah instead of Merom, if the prices are identical (more or less)?

    Nobody would. But the prices likely won't stay identical - as you point out, unless intel drops yonah prices, they probably won't be able to unload their remaining yonah chips. Just because a price drop hasn't been announced yet doesn't mean it's not going to happen.

    worst tattoos ever. Worst Tattoo Ever?
  • Worst Tattoo Ever?

  • nimbuscloud
    Jan 12, 03:11 PM
    iTunes Rentals ... snatch them out of the thin air to your new AppleTV is much more logical.

    No it's not. The AppleTV already has wireless capabilities. If iTunes Rentals is launched, it'd be common sense for it to also be able to be used wirelessly.

    Think Different, sheesh.


    worst tattoos ever. Worst Tattoo Design
  • Worst Tattoo Design

  • Roy Hobbs
    Jan 2, 01:36 PM
    The shown device was the "breakout box".

    iTV is YA Apple "ecosystem" comprising of software like OSX, Front Row, and super DVR. It has a ($299) breakout box to hook to existing computers and TV's. It has a new iMac, which if you buy it, replaces 2-3 separate elements. It will have a supersize display screen with iTV enabled features.

    Of course this is all speculation, but it is based on a wide ranging discussion of media experts since the pre-release of iTV.


    If I had to bet on it I am willing to bet that what was already shown is all we are going to get. A "break-out" box that streams media from a mac to the TV

    worst tattoos ever. sexy lower back tattoos
  • sexy lower back tattoos

  • Slix
    Mar 22, 07:56 PM
    I'm glad to see it not leaving. iPod Classic can't go! I mean, that's like, not good. :p

    worst tattoos ever. The Worst Tattoos EVER
  • The Worst Tattoos EVER

  • Multimedia
    Aug 29, 10:25 AM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    Think Secret claims (http://www.thinksecret.com/news/0608macmini.html) to have information on the rumored revision (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/08/20060824183848.shtml) to the Mac Mini. According to the site, Apple will replace the existing Core Solo model with the existing 1.66 GHz Core Duo model, and add a 1.83 GHz Core Duo model, effectively eliminating all single-core CPUs from Apple's computer product line.

    The new systems are said to be "ready for production." Think Secret believes the models will be introduced in a few weeks time with little fanfare, although not totally under the radar like the last Mac Mini update (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2005/09/20050930023909.shtml).Not Core 2 Duo??!! :eek: :confused: :( I can't beleive they are not going to go Core 2 Duo in the mini before Thanksgiving.Only if they don't drop prices. Just depends what they charge, if they had core solo for $399 sales would go through the roof.And Apple would be losing money with every sale. :rolleyes:

    And for all you Yonah FanBoys out there I say you are completely out of touch with reality living in some sort of parallel dimension where old obsolete stopgap technology prevails beyond it's short useful lifespan. :) It makes no sense to me why would a laptop be more powerful than a desktop. If you're gonna stay with core duo why not just make the mini a 1.83 & 2.00 GHz Core Duo machine like the macbooks. 1.66 & 1.83 on a core duo is pathetic in my opinions and solidifies my believe that the mini and i will never get along....at least for now. Thats just too much crippling to handle.Here here. I totally agree. Staying with Core Duo is insane, rude and greedy.

    worst tattoos ever. WORST TATTOO EVER OF THE DAY

  • HiRez
    Apr 12, 10:05 PM
    Wow, looks pretty awesome. Nothing about improved typography though? Booooo.

    worst tattoos ever. worst tattoos ever | My tattoo
  • worst tattoos ever | My tattoo

  • benjayman2
    Mar 1, 01:01 AM
    Thanks for all the nice words. As far as the window bay being slightly girlish I have to agree lol. I wanted something a little more custom looking. Although I do share the quarters with my wife to be it will change and pictures will come soon after :p I'm surprised no one mentioned the pillow pet :D

    worst tattoos ever. Worst tattoos ever
  • Worst tattoos ever

  • Eduardo1971
    Apr 19, 02:46 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)...I can't remember the last time I've read 16 pages of replies on MacRumors without the word "fanboy" endlessly repeated. Guess the trolls are only on the iOS stories...

    That's what separates the 'boys' from the 'men'. We are the hardcore bunch here-we don't mess around (unlike the kids playing at the other side of the MR sandbox).

    worst tattoos ever. Worst Tattoo Ever.
  • Worst Tattoo Ever.

  • mints
    Mar 22, 09:38 PM
    I've been patiently waiting for a decent update to the classic for a few years. 120GB was not enough to justify buying a new one, since I still wouldn't have enough space to put all of the music I've accumulated through the years. Right now I've got about 1-1.5TB of music and I'm constantly adding more as I go through my old vinyl and rip things that are out of print.

    Please don't kill the classic.

    worst tattoos ever. worst tattoos ever. worst
  • worst tattoos ever. worst

  • macEfan
    Nov 29, 10:30 PM
    Its the Pippin 2!! this time its intel instead of Bandai!

    lets hope so!

    I want a pippin, but they are all so rare and expensive... would be grate if the itv let you play games on your tv!

    worst tattoos ever. Re: Worst Tattoos ever.
  • Re: Worst Tattoos ever.

  • Zadillo
    Oct 23, 01:16 PM
    I'm hoping for a MPB with: Core 2 Duo up to 2.33 Ghz - Flash boot (NAND memory) - better GPU, ATI launched her x1800 mobile GPU march 2006 - 802.11n - more ram capacity - firewire 800 and faster super drive.

    But Im afread I have to wait untill january for this master piece of mobile technology. :(

    The X1800 is a monster though...... I think the only thing you can even find it in is some of those high-end 17" gaming behemoth laptops. I can't see any possible way they'd fit it into the 15 or 17" MBP.

    worst tattoos ever. Worst Tattoos Ever.
  • Worst Tattoos Ever.

  • Kiwi Jones
    Mar 24, 03:21 PM
    So, this doesn't mean it would be possible to upgrade a 2010 15" MBP's GPU from the INTEL HD graphics to anything different does it??

    This INTEL HD sucks really bad...

    worst tattoos ever. Worst Tattoo Idea Ever
  • Worst Tattoo Idea Ever

  • atad6
    Aug 29, 11:16 AM
    This is exactly what I predicted would happen when Apple went Intel. Now that Macs can be compared component for component with Wintel machines and new hardware is coming out every month, everyone is worked up about keeping up with latest thing at the best possible price and getting increasingly frustrated with Apple's unwillingness to create a product line with 10000 different machines that each compete with dollar for dollar and component for component with every other machine on the market. Meanwhile, we have people talking about $299 machines with DVD burners (AND Windows? I'd like to see THAT!).

    If you're so concerned about keeping up with the Jones, just buy a Dell, already.

    I find this amusing as well, all these complaints about how apple is too slow, has outdated hardware, etc etc. Now suddenly that apple's have comparable hardware suddenly they have to follow the same upgrade path as the rest of pc manufactures so they're not obsolete. Remember the g4 powerbooks? They were not only completely underpowered compared to its pc counterparts but also still ridiculously overpriced for what they were performance wise. That can be seen considering the current macbook pros have been proven to be 5x faster in some areas. Now that merom is coming out with a marginal (compared to the g4 to intel transition) 10-15% performance increase many people are complaining that the current yonah processors are just too slow. I just find this amusing considering people bought the underpowered overpriced powerbooks for so long. Apple just has a different business model, whether it is always executed properly is up for debate. They just have different priorities. Who knows when apple will put out the next revision of macbooks but if you're worring about it from a performance perspective you should probably consider buying a pc.

    Of course I could be completely wrong and with the whole intel transition apple could put out rapid upgrades to its lines just like the rest of the pc world. I was just going with history, just because apple uses intel chips doesn't mean they'll adopt them like the other companies.

    worst tattoos ever. worst ever tattoo.
  • worst ever tattoo.

  • Consultant
    Apr 26, 12:47 PM
    "Amazon" is a generic term and should not be used for a store name.

    Laird Knox
    Mar 28, 03:11 PM
    Oh yay! These forums attract the angry Microsoft supporters, Android yahoos and now the rabid gamers are feeling insecure. We should all petition Apple to stop making compelling devices!

    There is a difference between being realistic about devices and having your head in the clouds. I LOVE my apple gear and can't wait to get an ipad, but I am realistic in it's capability - it certainly isn't going to replace anything as a main device for gamers.

    The iPad isn't the Jesus device that will be the be all and end all of tech....

    I never said it was. You must have me confused with somebody else.

    But since you bring it up... What excites me about Apple's current products is where they could be in five years. I've been talking about it since the iPhone was introduced.

    Imagine having a device that fits in your pocket yet is powerful enough to handle most people's computing needs. I go to the office and drop it in a dock and my LCD screens light up with my environment. I then go home and again I have access to everything again by simply plugging it in. When I'm on the train I can still use it to do email and what not.

    Motorola is partially there with the Atrix but the hardware isn't quite up to the task yet. Give it five years and I think things will be really different.

    Now that doesn't mean that a pocket device will replace every PC, console and server out there. It just represents shift in general usage. While I see this as feasible in the next few years I don't see a major migration away from desktops for at least a decade. This is due more to social constraints rather than technological.

    More back on the original subject:

    So what's to stop somebody making a $20 game pad for iOS? The iPad takes input from the controller and displays info on dual screens.

    Or even a controller that an iPhone or iPod slides into to allow use of the accelerometers in addition to the buttons.

    I don't see iOS ever replacing the consoles just like PCs didn't destroy that market. I can see a lot of overlap in the markets.

    Even so, the number of people that come to these forums just to piss and moan that their OS/phone/PC/console/tablet is better than the iOS device du jour is rather tiring. There is actually an interesting article in the March 2011 issue of Scientific American that talks about this very subject. I highly recommend it.

    Mar 18, 12:35 PM
    just started back up on team MR with my GTX 260 equipped PC(play) running 24/7. Don't trust my i5 iMac(work) enough to run it 24/7.

    edit: seems that im getting about 8k ppd between a E6750 OC @ 3.4 and GTX 260 Core 216. Normal or not?

    Already at 481st place too, this team needs a comeback!

    glad to have you back!

    well, are you just running the gpu, or are you running the smp client as well?

    Apr 26, 12:55 PM
    Apple deserves some crap for all their ill-efforts to trademark "App Store".

    App Store [TM]

    Aug 17, 06:34 PM
    Because they introduced video playback capability, that's why. I travel and this iPod has meant that I don't have to drag around countless dvds to while away hotel room evenings. I love it, but ultimately, the screen is ever so slightly too small (not by much, I'm not asking plasma screen here!) and I need more storage. I know I could go and buy an Archos or some such other brand but I really don't want to do that, and I'm very sure that Apple don't want me to either.

    If it was still purely an mp3 player I would totally agree with you. Besides, 10 months+ with no update is a long time in the life cycle of an iPod. Only going by previous form. :)

    Add to this the fact that the iPod's storage capacity has remain unchanged for, perhaps, the longest time in iPod history. With video capability, 60GB just isn't that big anymore. Hasn't Seagate had an 80GB 1.8" drive available for several months?

    We need to have a new, improved, (and thinner?) form factor, with larger capacity, at the current price point.

    Aug 24, 10:08 PM
    I'll believe it when I see it.