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  • SchneiderMan
    Nov 27, 01:23 AM

    Do you have friends? Because if one of my friends walked in with that thing and told us it was his new sunglasses case, we'd be all over him. Yes: in person. It's all in good fun...... at least it is from me. Lighten up, Francis.

    That being said, if you need a case for your bitterness, I'm sure Benguitar can PM you the name of a place to buy one. :D

    /lose faith

    Exactly.. Well said.

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  • Lepton
    Jan 12, 09:27 AM
    Subtract keyboard. Add multi-touch and WiMax. Thin as an iPhone.

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  • cube
    Mar 24, 04:37 PM
    True, but its a wait for the overzealot AMD CPU fan base. AMD is very well behind Intel right now in CPUs. Their 6-core offerings barely match the processing power of a i7-870; which is a 4-core, 1156 socket! They can't even match the 1366 socket yet... not to mention the monster of a CPU that is the i7-980X.

    On the server, AMD has inexpensive 12-core, 4-way CPUs since some time. Now going for 16-core with Bulldozer (well, now it will be more like 16-core integer/8-core floating point).

    The absolute bargain now are the 8-core, 4-way CPUs. You can have a 32-core machine for very little money.

    The the next Atom will have a DirectX 10.1 GPU, meanwhile Bobcat Fusion already has DirectX 11 hardware and OpenCL.

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  • sensual wallpapers.

  • Aeroflux
    Mar 28, 09:22 PM
    Honestly? My launch day xbox is still going strong with nothing but 2 freeze ups. And my PS2 is still going strong too - i understand some peeps have had some significant problems (60% failure rate on launch 360s).

    The crap I had to go through was insane. DHL never found my house. They shipped me 360s that went RRoD right out of the box. One 360 box mysteriously had a LOT of dirt in it. Another was scratched up. I had to fax them my receipt twice just to prove I bought the premium console (pro for customer service). My collection of reference numbers:

    Life cycle in relation to a platform isn't relative at all. As it stood prior to MS going for the 4 year lifecycle with the 360, it was a new platform every 5 years. With the advent of the playstation, there was significant overlap. This is what will happen again with the PS4 - hell, the PS2 has just recently been delisted by NPD - up until then they were still selling. That's the kind of overlap we are talking about - you still have the '10 year cycle' but a new platform will be released about half way through. T

    Dude...got it before you said it the first time. By saying "life cycle is relative" I was referring to the whole paragraph I wrote before it, as in how long they last.

    Methinks the fact that you don't blink that much would probably exacerbate your issues bud.

    Yeah screen tear may be problematic for you, but some people don't even experience it - I do and I'll admit it's irritating, but it's hardly an issue where it will stop the majority. All I'm going to say it must suck to be you.

    Try it on a big screen and get back to me...maybe it is just me. Who knows.

    It sounds like you are a serious PC gaming fanboy and that's cool. There's plenty of room in the market. Granted, most of the PC devs are switching over as you make more money on the console side, but hey ho, you won't feel sick :rolleyes:

    Gaming fanboy. PCs just have the most flexibility. I don't distinguish between hardware when seeking a great gaming experience, but when the hardware isn't up to snuff I don't hold back my criticism.

    You are thinking the console market is like the PC market - it isn't I agree, I'd love a new gen console right about now, but they are doing some interesting things with kinect and to a slightly lesser extent, the Wii so I'll at least be amused until the new gen arrives - but that's the thing, you can't release consoles like ipods - there has to be a decent amount of time to gather pace and sales.

    Every five years is fine with me. I don't like every year for another iPod either, too damn expensive.

    Ask tony hawk? don't make me laugh, that was activision's decision, Tony sold his likeness a long time ago. You are just showing how....little you know. And seriously? you bought one of those pieces of crap?


    I'm sorry, but you are clearly clueless with some of your ideas. Which is fine with me, I at least am getting a laugh.


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  • sensual wallpapers.

  • rockthecasbah
    Aug 16, 09:01 AM
    Wireless iPod? I just don't see the point. Given how energy dense batteries are today syncing with iTunes would drain the battery in no time.
    Wireless headsets? Big cluncky things that needs to be charged too.
    The only rational for a wireless iPod would be if it became more of a PDA with GPS, or if went iPhone.
    That is what i don't get, what is really going to be included in a wireless iPod? The only thing i could see is that it gets the ability to purchase music from iTunes or you stream internet radio or something. Also, the waste of wireless syncing to a computer. Am i missing something bigger?

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  • Link2999
    Sep 18, 04:16 PM
    Waiting for the iClear: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Griffin+Technology+-+iClear+Case+with+Arm+Band+for+4th-Generation+Apple%26%23174%3B+iPod%26%23174%3B+touch/1207257.p?id=1218234048743&skuId=1207257&st=griffin%20iclear&cp=1&lp=5

    Love the iClear, been using it on my 1st Gen since I bought it. The 2 Piece Design offers the most protection of any case I've seen.

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  • ddrueckhammer
    Jul 18, 09:48 AM
    This might get me to drop Netflix if it

    1. Is $3.99 or less for downloads (the cost of a new Blockbuster rental).
    2. Movies are at least DVD quality.
    3. Can be played via a Mac Mini or Airport Express AV hooked up to my TV.

    I would like to see bittorrent technology used to help cut the bandwidth costs for Apple and a queue system which automatically downloads the next movie in your queue and then deletes it at a specified time after you have played it. I will support this because if it works out then Apple will have the leverage to put $9.99 to keep movies on the store and I can still buy what I want for under $15 total after the rental.

    As for people not wanting to store large videos on their hard drives, it is the 21st century. I have 1/2 Terrabyte of storage in external hard drives. So do many others and that's alot of storage for DVD quality films. I just read an article the other day about some disk format that is being developed at Harvard that will hold 50Tb! Storage isn't an issue and I can see many people having media servers instead of DVD/CD collections in their homes in the future.

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  • pixpixpix
    Apr 21, 05:52 PM
    To those laughing at this and pointing out that Android phones don't have a file recording your movements..



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  • MacinDoc
    Sep 1, 02:20 PM
    Well, if AI said so, I believe it.

    And, yes, the only way to get rid of the chin is to have an external power brick and external or downgraded speakers.

    I, for one, think the iMac and Mac Mini will get Merom due to their form factors, and a yet to be announced minitower will get Conroe (just ask AidenShaw).

    sensual wallpapers. Sexy Wallpaper
  • Sexy Wallpaper

  • Doctor Q
    Nov 27, 02:03 PM
    The advantage for Apple in having a 17" widescreen monitor would be that nobody (well, almost nobody in the market for a monitor) would be priced out of the choice to buy an Apple-branded one.

    There will also be competing monitors at lower prices from other companies, but many people will opt to buy an Apple monitor to go with their Mac, from Mac mini to Mac Pro.

    sensual wallpapers. Women - Sensual Wallpaper
  • Women - Sensual Wallpaper

  • cleanup
    Feb 28, 11:47 PM
    I stole the stickers from my girlfriend's laptop and netbook. There's a Vista one on my iMac. and it is in fact a 13" STM.

    I did the same thing. My girlfriend was tearing the stickers off of her Vaio for some reason, and I decided to stick them on my MBA 11" for fun. Apparently it runs on Vista and has a Centrino 2 in it. Haven't bothered to take them off. Just a bit of fun. Maybe I'll post a photo later.

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  • lyzardking
    Feb 8, 07:51 AM
    congrats to lyzardking for 6 million points!


    Never thought I'd ever get to this point when I started folding (almost) 4 years ago


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  • by Sensual World

  • ckodonnell
    Sep 1, 01:40 PM
    While I agree conroe would be a better choice, Merom is a Core 2 Duo chip as well.

    But, how about the processors? Apple needs to have a Core 2 (Conroe not Merom) inside the imac. The imac is not a conventionally size desktop (not as much room inside as a tower) but Apple can not continue to use a laptop processor in the imac. If they do, then how will the Conroe be used in Apple's line up? In a Mac tower? I don't think so. Surely, a 23" iMac could house the Conroe suitably?

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  • iJawn108
    Nov 29, 03:25 PM
    i dont know i might buy an itv if i buy a tv lol

    i dont have one right now. my macbook is my tv/computer/gf lol

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  • mrgreen4242
    Aug 29, 07:44 PM
    No Blu-Ray, as slot load would not be able to have enough cooling-leave it for next Mac Pro.

    Huh? Why would a BR drive make any more heat than a 12x or 24x DVD drive? Hint: it won't. It's a disc that is the same size and weight and spinning at the same speeds... the only change is the wavelength of the laser reading the disc.

    Decoding the data will take some juice, which will make some heat, but no more than any other CPU intensive task.

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  • twoodcc
    Apr 16, 09:07 PM
    congrats to SciFrog for 6 million points! (with MR team)

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  • Enjoy this exelent wallpaper

  • dguisinger
    Aug 7, 07:50 AM
    Go to Sharing preference pane, enable the Firewall, click Advanced, and enabling Firewall Logging.

    Your wish just came true. All blocked intrusions are now logged for your perusal.

    I think he means more like XP SP2 / Vista. They have a Security Center which gives you your firewall settings, antivirus (if installed) and spyware protection (if installed). Its nice to have it all in one place, no one wants to go digging thru logs, you are crazy.... LOL

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  • freeny
    Jul 19, 04:37 PM
    stocks up 7.45% in after hours.....:)

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  • MasonH
    Apr 2, 11:09 PM
    I will not feed the trolls… I will not feed the trolls… I will not feed the trolls…

    Better not look at the dozens of pics in the big light bleed thread over here either then... might make your mind explode :D

    Oh - to prevent even *further* pain don't go look at the pics posted in the light bleed thread at Apple.com either.

    Yup, trolls :rolleyes:

    Apr 3, 05:06 AM
    A bit schmaltzy to be sure, but much, much better than the recent 'you don't have an iPhone' ads. This one is positive, and tries to get to the heart of Apple's design philosophy. Notice how the device itself is hardly even seen � just subtle hints of its outline. All the focus is on the display's content and the fingers interacting with it. It's the principle of 'less is more', or minimalist design � approaching the ideal of a user interface that provides the illusion of direct manipulation of virtual objects as much as possible, without getting in your way.

    Sep 21, 08:09 PM
    Hi, everyone.

    I'm new iPod Touches, though I've had some other iPods over the years. I'm a teacher, and decided that I'd use the Bento app on it to keep track of my students' progress at school. My niece rolled her eyes and informed me that I'd need a case and screen protector. So, I went to Best Buy today and got the Griffin Gloss and the Invisishield. I put on the case, which seems to work fine. Then I opened the shield and got a good look at it. It immediately occurred to me that I'd probably need to take off the case, put the shield on, then put the case back on. However, the case--which consists of two pieces of hard plastic that intersect in the middle after installation--won't budge. I'm sure I could get it off, but I'm not sure I could do so without doing significant damage to the case. These things are supposed to be removable, aren't they? Also, would it be a big deal not to have a screen protector on it? I'm going to be using it a lot in multiple locations. It's probably going to get bounced around on a regular basis.



    Mar 31, 03:36 PM
    Suppose the British fascination with WWII comes from the fact that it was close, we could of easily lost.

    Jan 7, 04:20 AM
    My Dad also drives a a VW Golf, which has a GTI engine. Can't even imagine how much petrol it must be going through.

    Sep 15, 02:28 AM
    CR hasn't been relevant in at least 5 years. Another mag that made a terrible transition to the web. Welcome to the interweb CR, now will you please hire a web designer? Your site is embarrassing.