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  • Yankee617
    Apr 21, 12:41 PM
    If someone breaks into my home and hacks into my Mac (using the OS X DVD to do a password reset), I have a lot more worries than whether they know how to find out what neighborhoods� cell towers I�ve used! Luckily, encrypting your iPhone backup is simple, automatic, and unbreakable; and has the added benefit that then your iPhone�s keychain gets included in the backup. (Otherwise it doesn�t, with good reason.)

    If, on the other hand, they steal my phone, they�re unlikely to stop me from remotely shredding it so fast their head spins :)

    That said, dumping the old cached data is good practice, and Apple really needs to do so. I�d be surprised if they didn�t patch it to do just that. So: good catch! (Of course, this was noticed months ago.)

    So somebody sues you for (insert nefarious activity of your choice) and you deny it saying you were nowhere near Location-X at the time. Then, under rules of disclosure, they subpeona your iPhone/iPad/MBP/TC to obtain your data. The data shows you were at least in the vicinity of Location-X and so had the opportunity to perform (aforesaid nefarious activity). They win their case and you are required to pay $250K in damages, not to mention the $50K you already spent in legal fees. Did you do it? Maybe not... but it doesn't matter, they won and you lost.

    I agree that the location data should be dumped... every few hours... so the files contain minimal information. Backups should exclude all this location data. I cannot imagine why any application needs to know my location from more than a few hours ago.

    BTW> Is this location data collected on "Wi-Fi Only" iPads? I understand that such iPads do have/use location services, only its not as accurate.

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  • paradox00
    May 3, 01:29 PM
    I'm glad Apple is thinking for themselves and leaving the purists behind as they adopt newer, better ways of doing things. The idea of installing from a disc image is ridiculous. Anyone I've explained it to can understand it, but always mention there must be a better way. "Install" is much better than launching a disc image, opening an applications window, and then dragging the icon over to the other window. Also, dragging a file to the trash doesn't delete all the pieces it came with. An uninstall was needed. I have been using AppZapper, but this will now be built into the OS.

    There is a better way. Good programs include a shortcut to the applications folder in the disk image. Some even have arrows directing you to drag the application to the shortcut within the same window. How on earth is an installer better than that?

    Apple's uninstall process also works really well. If you want to delete the program but retain the settings, drag the program to the trash, if you want to delete the settings, drag the settings folder from the library to the trash as well or use a third party app like app zapper (as you mentioned). How is the Windows uninstall process better than the one step process of dragging into the trash or dragging into app zapper?

    People coming from Windows often criticize macs because they get the job done too efficiently, and they find it hard to believe that things can work so smoothly yet still be effective. They come with the expectation of expecting complexity, and when it isn't there, they find the lack of complexity to be a fault. It's a ridiculous phenomenon, but it's quite real. I should know, I also switched.

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  • MacSween
    Sep 14, 09:07 AM
    I don't know of anyone having a problem with the new iphone! I know that it is possible to make the reception problem happen, but I could also "make" reception problems happen on every cell phone I've ever owned.

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  • AhmedFaisal
    Apr 11, 10:08 PM
    Learned how to drive with stick shift, normal since it's Germany and stick shifts are the norm. Drove stick until I started working in sales. Had to drive a car from the fleet that was a stick for about a year. Nothing turns you off driving stick more than having a job where you drive all day in heavy city traffic. Switched to DCTs ever since.
    Funny, in Germany it was tough for a long time to get topline engines or sports cars with automatic. Volkswagen was notorious for that. It was virtually impossible to get an AWD Diesel with Automatic for a long time.

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  • extrafuzzyllama
    Sep 30, 03:32 PM
    I got the clear one. I don't know if the inside was was matte or not. Took 2 days off an ebay seller.

    did u get that weird watermarks like on wolfboy's post a few posts up?

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  • iRobby
    Apr 19, 02:55 PM
    This is What I Wanna See:

    iMac 27" (Quad Core)
    $1,999.99 (Base)

    Mac OS X 10.7 Lion

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  • Keebler
    Jul 18, 08:30 AM
    i forgot to mention the use of bit torrent technology.

    i wonder, and hope, that apple will use this somehow. i'm too techie, but remember a few months back, apple bought a data storage warehouse. what if they designed some sort of torrent system where your dload would come from multiple sources? that would surely make it faster?

    now, i'm not saying this is the be all and end all, but it's intriguing to see if it would work.

    it would be one of the only ways to make high quality stuff dloadable in a timely fashion. is it possible for them to also have some sort of a 'restart' or 'pickup' dload service so if something happens with your connection during dload, that is picks up where it stopped??

    i wonder.... :)

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  • twoodcc
    Feb 9, 09:47 PM
    Was crunching for another team before. The stats from Berkley show the aggregate as do some tools like the FAH Wudget.

    oh ok, gotcha. congrats!

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  • �algiris
    May 3, 02:32 AM
    So, you're saying that windows programs don't leave files on your computer when uninstalled? Installing and uninstalling a bunch of programs don't make your windows PC slow down? I must be using the wrong programs. Not that I'm saying that Mac's are perfect, but worse than windows? I hope not (I'm not a mac user... Yet)

    If you just move app to the Trash on a Mac it will leave just few folders and plists (settings files) usually and since Mac OS X doesn't have something that works as Registry on Windows it won't slow down anything.

    Apple could have adressed this problem by simply popping up a window when you drad a programm icon to the trash asking you if you want to delete just this programm or uninstall all of its data.

    This is not a final Lion version. It would make sense at least for MAS apps.

    Poor lion has to accommodate all these iOS features. I'll stay with snow leopard.

    Does this feature hurt you in any way, does it cripple OS? Do you not like out of the box option to delete app with it's settings at least for MAS apps? That's just pathetic.

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  • puuukeey
    Sep 6, 07:18 PM
    Why exactly is fixed pricing so important? isn't that.. well.. a bit anti supply/demand? Anyone have any stats on the percentages that bestbuy, a local music/video store, and apple are making on a normal purchase?


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  • Mousse
    Feb 23, 11:43 AM
    So when will automakers sell a compact pickup with a 2 liter diesel in the US? I want a diesel pick up. But I don't want a behemoth that requires a ladder to enter and hogs 2/3 of a 2 car garage.:p

    I prefer diesel in a work truck for three reasons: torque, torque and torque.

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  • TTarkas
    Apr 21, 11:27 AM
    Is Al Frankin running for president again? :rolleyes:

    At least he's got a birth certificate. Although I think it refers to Stewart Smalley or something like that.

    Watch this issue to be linked to net neutrality in a heartbeat, and the logical .. cough: BS cough: .. conclusion that the government should make all rules for consumer devices and electronic signals.

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  • Jacquear
    Jun 24, 11:14 AM
    have fun carrying an iMac :)

    Lol! There will be someone who tries it I'm sure

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  • Phil A.
    Apr 11, 06:34 AM
    Manual (stick) shift cars are rare today and I'm wondering how many people still know how to drive them. How did you learn and do you have a desire to own one?

    As others have said, they are far from rare outside of the USA. Personally, I've driven several automatic cars (both over here in the UK and in the USA) and much prefer a manual gearbox: I like the better control and flexibility to change up when I want to rather than when the car thinks I should.
    With a manual box, you don't have to think about "sport mode" or "economy mode" settings for gear changes: you just do it when you want to :)
    The only time I think an auto works is on a diesel car / truck: Diesel engines have such a poor power range that with a manual you find yourself constantly changing gear just to keep the thing moving (I personally hate diesel cars with a passion but that's a different debate ;) )

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  • petpirepete
    Jun 22, 01:24 PM
    I doubt 10.7 will be such an overhaul. Probably more like Mac OS X 11.0 or a totally new naming scheme.

    I gess you mean OS XI or OS 11.0 :rolleyes:

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  • charlituna
    Apr 2, 09:31 PM
    I'll "believe" when they fix the currently unresolved and widespread quality control issues...light bleed on virtually every unit and blemishes, dents and scratches on units straight out of the box.

    Fix those issues, Apple, and then I will "believe" enough to get an iPad 2.

    Virtually every unit huh.

    Well I have seen tons of postings all over about 'I got the new ipad' with no mention of said problems.

    I bought one opening weekend for home use and one last week for work with nada. All nine of the cast on my current gig have problem less iPad 2s, plus the office has gotten close to 100 units all with no issues.

    Perhaps by 'virtually every' you mean 'not even one percent of what has been sold' because that is probably the real number

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  • mc68k
    Nov 19, 01:16 PM
    man i wonder how many watts it runs at full load


    ^ this thread has some diff opinions on the PS wattage, some ppl saying 1KW some saying 1.5KW

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  • cube
    Mar 24, 02:30 PM
    Yeah, because we all know how lovely AMD's desktop processors have been. :rolleyes: Let alone their mobile processors. The only thing they have going for them is their price. If you want a better processor, buy Sandy Bridge. If you want a better GPU, buy Llano. Stop with your unreleased AMD propaganda.

    AMD Fusion is a better CPU because it does true OpenCL in the GPU, not like Intel's alpha OpenCL which runs on the CPU side.

    Fusion is DirectX 11 class. Intel is DirectX 10.1 class.

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  • kainjow
    Aug 16, 02:08 PM
    The only wireless I want to see in an iPod is Bluetooth for wireless syncing to your computer, and that could be done with a special dock. Other than that, it's pointless and just sucks battery power.

    Oct 23, 01:19 PM
    In my opinion, there is a VERY good possibility of the Macbook Pros being updated tomorrow. Here's Why:
    If you look at the Macbook Pro's "last updated" section, you'll notice that it was April 24, 2006. Tomorrow will be October 24, exactly 6 month's difference. Coincidence? perhaps, but in my opinion if it's not tomorrow, it's not until late November.

    Awesome, this means there will be further Macbook and Macbook Pro updates on April 24th (a Tuesday). I'm guessing that will be too early for Santa Rosa w/ Robsin caching technology. But, I bet there will be speed increases, graphics and hd increases.

    Sep 7, 08:26 AM
    Only people who watch movies.

    Combo drive still playes movies.

    Jul 14, 12:25 PM
    It was originally made by Philips, but the CD we know today is a Philips/Sony Co-Op.

    And, regarding the BetaMax... It was actually quite succesfull. Yes, it failed in consumer-space, but it's still being used in television-productions.

    Is it REALLY that bad? BetaMax wasn 't really a failure, since it's widely used even today. It's just not used by consumers. Sony was very important in creating the CD. They do have to misses that can't be denied: Memory Stick and MiniDisk.

    Other companies might have less misses in these things, but we must acknowledge that none of them has been as active in coming up with alternatives. I haven't really seen Matsushita (for example) try to come up with new stuff. Sony has tried to come up with new stuff. Some of the succeeded, some of them failed.

    On betamax. Your very right it is very succesful in a production studios for broadcasting and what not. But now even those are being replaced by DVC Pro (which I think is sony is it not?).

    But I was more talking about the format war that keeps getting mentioned. It was one vs. the other in the consumer market. Who won? VHS. Thats all I meant.

    Aug 24, 08:12 PM
    What the @*!& is Labour Day? Something to do with Tony Blair?

    To quote the Dictionary widget, Labor Day is "a public holiday or day of festivities held in honor of working people, in the U.S. and Canada on the first Monday in September, in many other countries on May 1."


    Sep 14, 06:58 PM
    I got the silicone case today, but then I also decided to go with Belkin Grip Vue. Overall, the Belkin Grip Vue is my preferred case since it's shock-absorbing, and doesn't slip as much. :)

    Silicone case - quite nice and fits well with the iPod Touch.


    The microphone is a little close to the case, but still visible.


    I went to a few BB and FINALLY found a normal color. It's dark purple. :rolleyes:


    2G/3G vs. 4G Belkin Grip Vue


    The microphone is clearly visible, compared to the silicone case.


    Other Belkin 4G case (taken with the iPod Touch):
