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  • aswitcher
    Jan 11, 08:42 PM
    Ok, its looking good to me. I might have buyers remorse when the pro touch version appears but thats likely to be quite expensive and a Rev A with some expensive very new bits that I can probably do without.

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. Cherry Blossom Wallpaper at
  • Cherry Blossom Wallpaper at

  • cube
    Mar 24, 01:23 PM
    *Children Screaming in background

    Im no snob against AMD GPUS...but their CPU's are nearly 2 generations behind intel. I dont think Bulldozer is going to match the 1155 SB, much less the upcoming 2011 socket chips.

    What I want to see is a 27inch iMac with an HD 6970 2GB...Whoa whoa wee wow:eek:

    AMD is ahead of Intel with the Fusion CPUs, even if the Llano core is not new.

    AMD is ahead of Intel with multicore.

    AMD is catching up in instruction set with Bulldozer.

    Where AMD is behind is in metal gates (which are coming real soon from AMD), and in process geometry, but AMD does continuous improvement of their process.

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. The Cherry Blossom Wallpaper
  • The Cherry Blossom Wallpaper

  • Axemantitan
    Apr 2, 08:01 PM
    It sort of reminds me of "The Power to be your Best (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AJQ0fwWZG_M)."

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. Cherry Blossom Wallpaper
  • Cherry Blossom Wallpaper

  • Chundles
    Aug 7, 03:31 AM
    An image of the new iPhone just came out! I can't reveal the source I got it from, but you have to trust me, this is the real deal!


    Dat iz teh secks!!

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. Cherry Blossom Viewing in
  • Cherry Blossom Viewing in

  • TheManOfSilver
    Dec 10, 06:43 PM
    I posted this a while ago - but I think Jobs was hinting that apple wants to be everywhere. iPod is a lifestyle product, as is the iTv.

    Apple has proven that they have a true understanding of the user experience, and can spread that halo wherever a user may go. Hence the iPod's success, and perhaps the iTv and phone future success.

    Bottom line, wherever there is media, apple wants to be there, showing everyone how to do it the best way.

    I agree with your line about Apple wanting to be in multiple places. The one place I see them finally going themselves is the car ... not designing a car, but rather replacing the head unit on your car with a true video ipod interface. No onboard HD, just a true 3" video interface that shows your iPod's content just as it would on your iPod, while it's safely stowed in your glovebox, armrest, etc.

    No one has done iPod integration right yet, because no one is Apple. Apple could go the route of designing a new iCar head unit itself for aftermarket sales and could sign deals with the automakers to offer it as an optional feature. They could partner with a big name in high quality car audio to get the sound quality right, but they would design the front end.

    Perfect opportunity for Apple to fill a need that no one is addressing in an elegant, simple fashion.

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. cherry blossoms wallpaper.
  • cherry blossoms wallpaper.

  • macoldie
    Nov 28, 02:39 PM
    Zune is suffering from doing too much too soon. With Vista launch, Zune launch and its music server and its current track of forming partnerships just to cut vendors and customers off, the future looks bleak.

    When Apple started, they paid attention to its customers offering iTunes first. As customer grew to like iTunes as a music library, Apple intorduced iPod. "You already have it on your system, now take it with you." Over the years, Apple grew its interest, and improved the software along withi its hardware.

    I aggree with other posters in a vairety of forums that most will take a "wait and see" with Zune. Toom much coming at their customer base.

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. Cherry Blossom Blooming
  • Cherry Blossom Blooming

  • omegaphil6
    Feb 8, 06:57 AM
    2008 Dodge Charger SE

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. Cherry Blossoms Ninna Ji
  • Cherry Blossoms Ninna Ji

  • shawnce
    Nov 16, 12:06 PM
    Personally, I would want all my RAM to be consistant... Agreed.

    Personally my Mac Pro has 1 GB DIMMs in A1, A2, B1, and B2, and 512 MB DIMMs in A3, A4, B3, B4 (since the model I picked up from Apple had the four 512 MB DIMMs in it)... yields a total of 6 GB of RAM.

    This result in each channel connecting to a matching DIMM mix in a matching progression... ideally allowing the memory controller to have an easier time of muxing access to the RAM (in terms of a more optimal interleaving configuration).

    Of course if 512 modules only can feed the AMB at half bandwidth relative to 1 GB (or greater modules) then removing them from the system could improve overall throughput (assuming they get hit) ... however latency difference may mitigate that ... hard to answer without real-world profiling with the tasks you most often do.

    ...off to find docs on Intel memory controller for information on how it handles things...

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. Series: Cherry Blossoms 6
  • Series: Cherry Blossoms 6

  • aafuss1
    Aug 29, 09:05 PM
    X3000 is the integrated graphics component of GMA965. It basically solves the problem of the GMA950 graphics having no hardware T&L. Hence why UT2004 scores sit in the toilet on Mac mini's and Macbooks.

    It'll never challenge a midrange Nvidia or ATI card, but it'll make the mini and macbook a reasonable enry level gaming platform, which it ain't now.

    See http://www.intel.com/products/chipsets/G965/index.htm
    for some juicy technobabble.


    Totally agree-even low end PC's have at least a option for a add-in T&L capable card. Plus the GMA 3000 will do Core Image and Animation very well.

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. Cherry Blossom
  • Cherry Blossom

  • Mister Snitch
    Mar 22, 04:03 PM
    Do people seriously have that many songs?!!! seriously?!!!

    220gb = 50,000 songs?!!!!! That is totally not necessary.

    Apple discontinue that dinosaur! It makes you look bad to just have it on your website.

    I have way more than 50,000 songs, and even the worst of them is more necessary than your comment.

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. Natural Cherry Blossom
  • Natural Cherry Blossom

  • twoodcc
    Feb 9, 04:57 PM
    million = mio

    oh ok. that's what i thought. but how do you have 6.4 million?

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. Cherry Blossom Wallpapers
  • Cherry Blossom Wallpapers

  • DamnItsHot
    Apr 21, 05:06 PM
    I think it is interesting that he says the data is easily accessible by "criminals and bad actors". As a politician he has a high probability of fitting in the criminal category and so far as his so called acting goes he definitely fits that category. Could he have been looking in the mirror when he spewed this garbage?

    Couldn't make it as an actor so he went into a lower tier - politics. ;)

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. cherry blossoms wallpaper.
  • cherry blossoms wallpaper.

  • cube
    Mar 24, 03:33 PM
    So then use Windows?

    Why would I look at anything else if it were OK to use Windows?

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. Under the cherry blossom tree
  • Under the cherry blossom tree

  • twoodcc
    Dec 31, 05:31 PM
    Sorry you couldn't have stayed in 4th place for longer lyzardking... but at least you can claim you were there! :D And you are getting more points for the team!

    And it looks like mc68k is definitly going to be our first to the big 10 mil!! You are cooking right now with over 600k ppw - as Jim Carey would say (in Mask) "smokin"!

    I have now organized my machines with five (linux) in the cold basement, and the 2 win/gpu machines in 4u boxes I got on ebay in the rack with the mac. I spent christmas day, snowbound, rerouting the wiring (and cleaning the "computer room" so everything at least looks much better. I actually got 4 4u cases so I have room to grow, they were $28 each plus $17? each for shipping. 4u is about the same size as a normal tower case so everything fits in nicely. I will post some pics soon.

    sounds nice. looking forward to seeing the pics

    Doesn't look like I'll be fifth for that long (looking over a shoulder at a quickly approaching twoodcc)


    ha. well it'll be a little while before i catch up to you.

    also, congrats to rreini for reaching 1 million points!

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. Cherry Blossom Viewing in
  • Cherry Blossom Viewing in

  • NameUndecided
    Apr 2, 05:48 PM
    I noticed that I had around 15.6gb on my 25gb partition just before installing the update. Afterward I have 17.32. It could be that some settings or cache or whatever in some places have been reset. I know that my Launchpad needs to have apps placed back into it, but that couldn't take up that much space(?). Could be something else I haven't seen yet.

    All that I have on the Lion partition is the OS install. Even my Home directory is pointed to that on my Snow Leopard partition.

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. cherry blossoms wallpaper.
  • cherry blossoms wallpaper.

  • PowerFullMac
    Jan 12, 04:16 PM
    Perhaps AIR is an acronym?
    Apple I______ R______ :)

    Interesting... Very interesting... Apple InfaRed... Apple Internet Reader... Apple Instruction Ripper...

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. Cherry Blossoms Butterwheat
  • Cherry Blossoms Butterwheat

  • lorductape
    Nov 29, 02:44 PM
    Maybe the iTV can zap the MPAA and all those movie execs into white dust :D

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. Cherry Blossom Wallpaper
  • Cherry Blossom Wallpaper

  • Mexbearpig
    Nov 25, 06:40 PM
    Yeah, I know, They are very expensive sunglasses that I don't feel comfortable just "tossing into a gym bag or suitcase."

    To be honest, I thought it was very cool. I have always loved the look of those cases but I always had the impression that they were expensive but after a look they aren't too much. Maybe I'll buy one but I'd have to put something that is expensive that is that small. And most of my things are large.

    cherry blossoms wallpaper. Cherry Blossom Wallpaper at
  • Cherry Blossom Wallpaper at

  • slffl
    Nov 29, 03:30 PM
    To me the iTV is going to be Apples take on the Slingbox, and I can't wait to see it!!!

    Mar 23, 04:19 PM
    No, I fully support that.

    I am simply disappointed that they pander to special interests. Just one of many reasons I voted with my wallet and bought a droid.

    It sounds to me like they made a business decision. Lots of companies respond this way when the public makes it's opinion known.

    Aug 29, 09:44 AM
    i think the main thing instead of saying apple is a full 64-bit company is to say they are a full dual-core company, which if they put in meron, one will have to still be single core. dual core yonah or single core meron? (in the base machine)

    Aug 31, 08:19 PM
    Let's hope that those specs aren't the final ones. That they're just to clear inventory.

    I'm hoping for Merom based mac minis.. Merom costs the same so why not ?LIMITED SUPPLY of Merom for the first few months. mini will be the last to get C2D probably in November. But you've gotta give kudos to Apple for adopting the Merom Spec Yonahs into the mini right away. This way the switch to Merom in mini can be almost silent with no disruption to the flow of minis to the market.

    Apr 12, 10:36 PM
    Wow, looks like the rumours WERE true after all! Apple killed the Pro of Final Cut Pro. That guy who turned the much admired iMovie into garbage has done it again. All they had to do was rewrite the engine with 64 bit support, had proper file handling, rendering titling tools amongst other necessary pro features and keep the same F*&$#@*&& interface as pro users of ANY pro software don't want to re-learn an interface for no reason! It takes YEARS before you really know a software under the hood.

    We'll now see FCPx turn into a hit with amateurs and will be completely abandoned by pro users who will all return to avid.
    Oh, they'll all switch to Avid to avoid learning a new interface, but of course, they won't have to learn a new interface to use Avid instead of FCP :rolleyes: . Not everyone who is a video editor has been around since the time of the dinosaurs. You're complaining that an automobile isn't a horse, so it must be inferior to the horse. If we always continue to do things in exactly the same way, we will never make any progress.

    Mar 19, 02:43 PM
    yes, as you say this is probably too late to be a knock-out to Gadaffi.......and noting that icons of the international revolutionary left such as Castro, Ortega, Chavez et al were quick to support Gadaffi, it seems likely he'll get some support in rearming as necessary

    You'd be surprised how much destruction can test ppl's zealotry. Whoever controls the air, pretty much has a gigantic advantage in pounding the enemy into submission. War is more of a weapons match than a "will of the people match" like Hollywood stories.

    And as we speak, US has started pounding them now. Although it's kind of surprising, as one would have thought you'd just one night see another "shock and awe" type of initial onslaught. Maybe this coordination was a little late and not as organized as they would have liked. I don't really see the purpose of taking pot shots here and there, while the real advantage is to take the enemy by surprise and destroy as many assets you can before he tries to hide and hole up.