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  • supermacdesign
    Jul 18, 09:50 AM
    I hope the rental thing is true--I don't want to own. I'm not with Steve Jobs on this one (assuming the rumors are true that he opposes rentals).

    Owning music downloads fits my habits/needs. Owning movie downloads does NOT. The vast majority of movies I watch I never see again. And I don't want to store big movie files long-term. And I don't want to pay a higher price! Lower the price and make it short-term. I like that better.

    For the few movies/shows I'd want to own, I want the discs (Blu-Ray preferred :) ) and the ability to take them to a friends' house.

    Also, if it's a rental model, I can be more forgiving on quality. They'd have to be better than iPod 320x240 (except, obviously, when played ON an iPod), but if they're a little bit short of DVD quality, I'd still be bored enough to seek instant gratification and rent some. The price would have to be right, of course. Netflix rentals cost about $2.50 each on my plan. For slightly-sub-DVD quality and near-instant delivery, I'd pay maybe $2. For FULL DVD quality I'd certainly be willing to match Netlflix's price, or even pay a little more (for iTunes convenience/speed).

    How often would I rent? Depends on selection... which means, probably not often :) At first. But it would be cool to see it grow to a collection that could rival Netflix.

    After all, I already do all my movie watching on my Mac (sometimes connected to TV).

    This is exactly how I feel about the situation. Renting is the key, and a $1.99 price point is perfect. The movies I purchased for $15 I almost never watch again, I am a sucker for impulse buying. I rent movies now for a buck at RedBox anything more that $2 isn't worth my time when I can have the disc in hand to watch when I want in beautiful DVD quality.

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  • bankshot
    Jul 18, 02:06 AM
    A major consumer announcement at a developers conference? Not gonna happen. End of story!

    ThinkSecret hasn't been right about anything since they got in trouble over leaks.

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  • LethalWolfe
    Apr 12, 10:17 PM
    You really are worried that Final Cut Pro will not be more complicated than iMovie??!
    No, I'm worried that FCP could be dumbed down too much to properly do the job at hand.


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  • Starfires
    Sep 16, 05:40 AM
    Anyone who wants to enjoy one of, if not the best smart phone in existence will get the iPone 4 and just use a flippin' case on it, as everyone I know does on their 3GS's anyway! It's true it's a design flaw and one that the free case program was a good solution for... and even truer that a remodel is a better solution, especially for Apple (though I love the beautiful Griffin Etch graphite case I got through them).

    Basically this is the best, most useful device I've ever owned- the screen looks like it was painted on. To not recommend it rather than recommend it 'with reservations' seems a bit dogmatic of them. I respect their view, but I, certainly, recommend the 4.:)

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  • damarsh
    Apr 26, 01:10 PM
    anyone else getting a little bit fed up of apples lawsuits?

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  • Amazing Iceman
    Apr 21, 12:27 PM
    Only ones upset over such news is Johny what's his face who hangs out at the local booby bar, when his wife thinks he's somewhere else. :eek:

    He should know better to turn off the location service.

    Think about this, people... without it, it would be practically impossible to use the find my iPhone Feature of MobileMe.

    Have you thought that the government can track your approximate location based on your SunPass usage? (Sunpass is a automated toll paying system used in Florida, U.S. It's also known by different names in other states. Every time you pass by a Toll, their sensors read your Sunpass and charge your account accordingly.
    I have noticed the presence of these 'sensors' in other parts of the road besides Toll plazas.

    So, be real: Absolute Privacy does no longer exists.

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  • After G
    Aug 25, 02:38 AM
    I think the 64 bitness isn't really necessary for a Mac mini. You're not going to shoehorn >4 GB of memory into two slots, unless memory manufacturers are going to change their minds which I don't think will happen just yet.

    The 20% increase in performance only applies to media and content creation. I guess that would be good for a HTPC, but Word won't run any faster. (Tt may start faster though).

    There is no reason for Yonah owners to upgrade just yet. It's really more of a nice bonus for those people who could wait until now to get a computer.

    Apple prices were lower before because the stagnant tech demanded it. For all we know, the $599 could be the maximum on Apple's profit curve.

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  • tychay
    Nov 28, 09:10 PM
    MS never made a smartphone, they make the windows mobile software that runs on others hardware. The xbox is ms hardware and software, just like the zune. It's a entertainment market, just like the xbox, windows mobile software isn't in the entertainment market. There are far more direct comparisons between zune and xbox than between windows mobile and zune. As for peeing on their partners, what's new, I think we all know they don't play nice, instead they play to win.

    So. Microsoft’s mouse market share is so large that everyone is Logitech is peeing their pants? How about Microsoft’s total dominance of the Apple ][+ CPM card market?

    Give me a break. Show me one area where Microsoft’s hardware has lead to a market share the size of iPod’s hold on MP3 players? I can’t think of a single one, can you?

    But I can think of a lot of software plays: Windows, Office, Visual Studio, Project/Visio. I can think of some moderate successes: Windows CE in embedded space, Xbox 360. As well as a lot of failures: Tablet PC, Pocket PC, Windows Mobile, UPMC, Windows Media Center, Plays For Sure, Xbox.

    See, unlike your narrow minded Microsoft fanboy-ism, I realize that the iPod dominance rests under three legs: iTunes, iTunes Music Store, and the iPod. Over the last five(!) years, Microsoft has used canon fodder to attack the latter two while it provided the first and the DRM for the second. Now the Zune is a direct attack, because two people at the top of Microsoft are jealous that after all these years QuickTime is still alive and well. They remember when they told Avi and Jobs to "knife the baby" and it’s really a thorn when they, the most profitable tech company in history, can’t back up that threat with action.

    But until Microsoft wipes out Samsung and Creative, I think the burden of proof is on you. I pretty much destroyed your “Xbox is the shiznit” crap: it is, in no way, trending to dominate the market, and it won't even stop bleeding money until 2Q 2007. They’re just hoping Sony stumbles (which they are, but it looks like Nintendo is the primary recipient of Sony’s largess).

    Do you think it is a coincidence that the partner that Microsoft tapped to launch the Zune (Toshiba) was the only major player with less that 2% of the market? And while we are on the topic. Why the hell is Microsoft introducing a hard drive player when the units that Apple is selling and having trouble stocking are flash-based?

    [I made a tiny error. Xbox sold 1.6 million units its launch quarter. They sold .9 million units last quarter. I got those two quarters confused.]

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  • Jaasen Jones
    Apr 21, 01:08 PM
    There are other ways to access data on an iPhone outside of Apple tools. If you think a Passcode is making your phone secure, you are mistaken.[/QUOTE]

    True, but what percentage of people would actually give up once facing the passcode?

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  • Irishman
    May 3, 02:48 PM
    The 6950m and 6970m are also available in 2gb models. That would help with the larger resolution of the 27" display. Let's hope for that as well!

    Well, you got what you wanted on the 2GB 6970m! At least as a BTO option.

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  • toddybody
    Mar 24, 01:39 PM
    Well, that's because all of Apple's other products are constrained by power and/or space requirements.

    Meh, yes and no. For their integrated desktops (iMac)...pws and space are certainly an issue (especially since it doesn't have an accessibly PCI E slot for heavens sake). Now for MP's on the other hand...I dont think it would be an issue: accessible PCI E slots + ample chassis space + stock PWS capable of handling an HD 5870 or Crossfired 5770's. A 6970 shouldnt be a problem.

    anyways(no snarkiness implied)...who said crossfire wasnt supported? The MacPro CAN be configured with 2x5770's.

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  • Chaszmyr
    Jul 18, 01:44 AM
    Good news and bad news. Movies good, rental bad if not offered with sale. However, if rentals are cheap, I'd probably just as soon rent so i could buy the physical disc which would be much higher quality anyway.

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  • LERsince1991
    Feb 27, 01:39 PM
    ^^^ What monitor stand is that? :confused: I really like it. :)

    Thanks! :)
    Sorry :)
    It's custom made
    I made it myself for a design project

    It's only MDF with a plastic based paint spray finish.
    I'd make a proper one out of corian though next time if I ever make the final prototype lol :)

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  • DesignDJ
    Oct 23, 08:50 AM
    This news just in....

    "My infant son began to cry when I placed the MacBook Pro in my shopping cart this morning, this is a clear indication that the MBP could be updated as soon as this week. More news to follow..."

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  • Thirdeye9
    Apr 11, 09:18 AM
    All this discussion is apple's cap of tea for :) because we don't speculate if there is any mp3 player better than classic ipod. The only enemy of apple is apple.
    I have now big problem, because i ve got Nokia C7, which has everything i would like from ipod touch, but ipod classic is not a really good choice for me... the only thing i apreciate in it is an enormous hdd, but due to its communicating only via itunes - i can't use it for different files than multimedia. If i could store there other files i would buy it. So i hope Apple will release new model with OS which will solve the problem :)

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  • roach
    Nov 30, 03:06 AM
    Well, then you don't understand Apple's magic. That's precisely where
    they are good at: make complicated things simple.
    It's like a Sony TV remote control compared to others : when you use it, you find everything else too much complicated...

    How do you record channel 105 from 5:30PM to 6:30PM on Friday? Damn...that would take forever with 4 buttons.

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  • dr Dunkel
    Apr 21, 09:19 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_2 like Mac OS X; sv-se) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8H7 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I guess the "pro" in the notebook world weighs a little less than in the world of racing :-)

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  • skinniezinho
    Nov 27, 07:38 AM
    Where did you buy that watch and for how much? I really like it :o

    I bought it on a friend's store@45eur but it is available @50eur on almost every watch store.
    Check it here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PtSP6Qj8PDk).

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  • lordonuthin
    Feb 23, 08:19 PM
    ok. now do you have the 2.66 or 2.26 mac pro octo?


    for the i7, what most people do is run linux in a VM and do the bigadv units while also doing gpu units. but i wouldn't do this unless you're running at least around 3.3 ghz. i'm running around 3.6 ghz i think, and i have 2 gpu's going on mine. it slows down the bigadv units, but the gpu's make up for it.

    I'm not going to go to all that trouble, VM's seem like kind of a pain.

    how are you trying to overclock now? just in the bios? that's basically just how i do it - in the bios. but that will depend on your motherboard

    I've just tried it in bios without much luck.

    Mar 20, 06:06 PM
    Homeopathy does at least have the placebo effect.

    True, and no one has yet to explain the miraculous 'cures' by the patients themselves.

    Some call it positive thinking. I choose to call it misdiagnosis.

    Nov 29, 01:33 PM
    http://www.macrumors.com/images/macrumorsthreadlogo.gif (http://www.macrumors.com)

    After a recent meeting with top Apple executives, Bear Stearns analyst Andy Neff believes that Apple's iTV will go beyond simply streaming video (http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=2270) (reported by AppleInsider).

    "Though details remain sketchy, Apple emphasized [the] focus of iTV [is] to improve user experience by leveraging its software expertise and implied that there may be features beyond the mere streaming of video content," the analyst wrote.

    The iTV is already known to be able to stream music and photos as well, and the possibility of Apple including an internal hard drive in the iTV has already been raised (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060920012814.shtml), but the analyst also believes the iTV will have advanced user interface software to further the ultimate goal of improving user experience and simplifying consumers' use of content.

    Apple also reportedly (and not surprisingly) has a number of products currently in development that are likely to be introduced over several years. During Apple's September "It's Showtime (http://www.macrumors.com/pages/2006/09/20060905144401.shtml)" event, Apple CEO Steve Jobs stated (http://www.apple.com/quicktime/qtv/showtime06/) that Apple was now "in your den... in your living room... in your car... in your pocket", and hinted that that theme gave a "little idea of where [Apple] is going."

    Mar 25, 03:54 PM
    Wow! This looks insane!! I didn't realise that the iPad was so powerful!

    Makes me want one more now :(!

    Blue Velvet
    Mar 22, 12:54 PM
    Its also a weird notion that sexual orientation is a black and white issue. People gay or straight have sex with others contrary to their orientation all the time.

    Absolutely. Although I've met many dozens of gay men in my life who, no matter what you plied them with, couldn't and wouldn't have sex with a woman. Can't say the same about a sizeable proportion of allegedly straight men.

    I was going to reply to all your posts in the thread but then I remembered, you're the guy whose father is dating the owner of AT&T. :rolleyes:

    Busted. The IT company owner who happens to serve in the military at the same time. Busy life.

    Jan 12, 09:56 AM
    Subtract keyboard. Add multi-touch and WiMax. Thin as an iPhone.

    Nope, more powerfull with real OS X.