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justin bieber 2011 tour pictures

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  • dashiel
    Aug 24, 05:54 PM
    man i'd love for them to include "old" yonah based chips and release a mini for $300-$400. i just want the cheapest intel rig i can buy right now as i'm "mid-cycle".

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  • Frosticus
    Apr 20, 08:10 AM
    So what are we looking at? 1-2 weeks?:cool:
    I hope so! Lots of time to play with it while I'm on Easter break from work! :)

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  • HecubusPro
    Aug 29, 03:37 PM
    Well, may be off topic but the shipping times on the MacBooks has been inreasing on the Apple Store online U.S. since yesterday. They were at 3-5 business days yesterday and now they're all at 5-7. Could be something, could be nothing.

    As has been reported, it's because of high demand due to the back-to-school season. Apple is having difficulty keeping up with that demand.

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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Aug 29, 04:37 PM
    We've all been crying for a new cube since the mini came out... is the mini an awesome machine? Absolutely, I love mine. But there is a market for a headless iMac/Cube/MacPro mini... people like me. I don't need a quad core computer. I don't need 16gb of RAM. I don't need 4 harddrive bays, or even two optical drive slots.

    I do want a fast CPU, an upgradable GPU, a couple of full size HDDs and a full size optical drive. I also want something quiet, relatively affordable (something a bit less than an iMac would be idea), and stylish.

    I don't think that Apple would lose Mac Pro sales to something like this - they might lose iMac sales but if the margins are the same for them who cares, and any loss of mini sales would be upsells, so it'd be a good thing.

    I think a lot PC types, especially gamers, would be interested, bringing in new markets... None of my gamer friends would be satisfied by an iMac, but neither would they shell out $2-3k for a Mac Pro.

    Let's see, the mini is 6.5x6.5x2 inches, would anyone even notice if it went to 8.5x8.5x4? Even better would be 8x8x8, just for the cube dimensions, done in iPod white (or black), would look stellar on a desktop. Core 2 Duo 1.83ghz, 4 RAM slots for an 8gb max with 512mb installed stock, 1 16x PCIe w/ 7300GT base (BTO options), 1 PCI slot, 2 3.5" drive bays w/ 160gb standard, 1 5.25" bay w/ SD, AE, BT2, 6 USB2 (4 back, 2 front), 1 FW 400, 1 eSATA (in place of FW800)... $999 anyone? BTO options for slower/fast CPUs and GPUs, more RAM, bigger HDD and a $200 TV tuner/video encoder breakout box... :DThat is the machine that Apple needs, at the moment its still the marketeers at Apple who seem to rule their product offerings with mini vs All in one vs workstation..

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  • markfc
    Oct 23, 07:48 AM
    Well, if you want to hear from my reliable source, stocks of macbooks and macbook pros are due in on the 27th/28th October.

    You heard it here first!


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  • jonhaxor
    Jan 1, 08:32 PM
    Wouldn't it make sense to put an HD tuner in the new displays along with the iSight? .. that would make it pretty easy to rip videos and sync onto the video iPod and i'm guessing you could have an iTV app that's as easy to use as iTunes .. change the TV/monitor market in much the same way that they helped to change the home stereo market .. hrrm.

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  • AppleIntelRock
    Dec 30, 02:13 AM
    .. it appears your keyboard layout is different though. :p

    Sorry, I was trying to type upside down :D :p ;) :cool:

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  • narfed
    Aug 16, 10:11 PM
    I may be talking out of my ass here, but my understanding is that Sirius works via satellites in geosynchronous orbit, which means they are way way up there, "locked in" above a specific spot on the ground (they zip around the Earth once every 24 hours, which keeps them above the equatorial spot that is also zipping around a full rotation in 24 hours). It would be physically impossible for a receiver on the "other" side of the world to see a satellite above central America. Maybe Sirius has several satellites, but still if they only officially serve the US market I can't see these venturing any further East/West than the US Atlantic and Pacific coasts (maybe a little out into the Pacific to serve Hawaii better). I seriously doubt that they'd have a satellite where someone in, say, Bombay could hook in.

    The other issue that comes up is angle of ascention. While it's a nice just-off-vertical and tilted south for the US customers, once you start moving east/west (or to the extreme north/south) you start making it a far more horizontal angle. Which means, living in an area without a clear horizon you will get poor results. Moreover, the smaller the angle of ascention, the more atmosphere the signal has to go through, causing connection issues.

    I could be wrong. Maybe Sirius foolishly wastes its money providing satellite service to the other half of the world just for the small market of folks who are adventurous enough to open a US account just to sign on. Or, maybe they market world-wide service as a key feature for traveling businessmen (possible, but that makes me even less likely to subscribe!) Doesn't seem likely though.

    He's talking about streaming over the Internet, not picking up a satellite signal.

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  • KnightWRX
    Apr 17, 08:27 AM
    Very humorous. :)

    I don't quite get your comment. What was humourous about my age exactly ?

    Unless you're driving a ...Honda... gear shifters on modern cars either are too "notchy" or overly-vague in terms of finding a gear, and the result is not very pleasant, especially in city driving.

    Wait what ? Hondas are some of the worst offenders. Their last great shifters hail from the late 90s. Everything ever since has been downhill, at least here in North America.

    We haven't even gotten a Civic Hatchback in the last few years. :( Honda is really turning into Toyota these days, dropping any kind of sporty feel and making point A to B cars and it shows in the driving feeling of those bread boxes. I think it's one of the reasons I switched to Subaru for my last 2 cars.

    Anyway, the Kia my GF bought seems to have very well defined gates. I don't know if it's because the shifter assembly bushings are still brand new (only time will tell) or if it's because the Koreans are trying to pick up the segment Honda/Mazda left behind (young kids that want "sporty" compacts).

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  • Kingsly
    Aug 6, 11:40 PM
    More pix of the same... in case anyone cares!
    1) WWDC2006!!
    2) the now infamous banners�
    3) me, with the now infamous baners�
    4) Nifty computer bags� they are giving out
    5) delicious gelato� :p

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  • justin bieber 2011 tour uk.

  • lifeinhd
    Feb 27, 09:43 AM
    I recall paying the same price for mine as the Mac Pro currently costs. Sheesh! Stupid me. I should've put that money into Apple stock! If I had put the $7k I blew on my Dual 800/22" into Apple shares I could afford a Ferrari right now :(

    Being 14 and stupid FTW?

    My parents would've shot me if I'd tried to drop that much $$$ on a computer when I was 14.

    As it was, my dad was a little bothered I spent $1400 on a year-old MBP in 2008. But that was when the base MBP was $2k, so it was actually a really good deal :D

    And then that Tuesday, the new models came out :p

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  • aswitcher
    Jan 2, 12:40 AM
    With iTV (whatever) I expect Apple to release firmware upgrades for all current model Macs to enable their 802.11N capable wireless.

    I also think the Mini and Airport Extreme/Expresses will get and update to have 11N.

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  • justin bieber 2011 tour.

  • Crigger540
    Sep 14, 06:14 AM
    Belkin - Grip Vue Case for Apple� iPod� touch - Rooftop Green
    $24.99 BestBuy

    http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/7438/dscf6393.th.jpg (http://img215.imageshack.us/i/dscf6393.jpg/)
    http://img5.imageshack.us/img5/467/dscf6392.th.jpg (http://img5.imageshack.us/i/dscf6392.jpg/)

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  • QuarterSwede
    Apr 9, 10:51 PM
    I learned on a stick first and my first car (91 Honda CRX Si ... so much fun!) was a stick. I drove in so much stop and go traffic when it finally bit the dust I bought an automatic. I miss the control and fun of a stick though. One thing I don't miss is having to replace my clutch.

    Also, I disagree with the automatics are largely less efficient than sticks thought. Even without DCTs, automatics can switch so much faster than a human can that any fuel consumption it uses is offset by it's quickness. Autos have been more fuel efficient or at the least the same as manuals for a long time. I find that the size and type of tire can make a bigger difference in fuel economy anyway.

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 17, 08:56 AM
    Ah, great to see another person in their 30s who still very much enjoys the freedom and pleasures of the road. :D

    "in comparison".

    I'm 71. ;)

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  • odo
    Aug 7, 05:23 AM
    Anyone dares to read "Vista 2" as "Vista too"?
    Virtualisation built-in so Leopard does Vista too?
    Would surprise me, but still...

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  • MaxMike
    Nov 27, 12:17 PM
    Thanks to Black Friday, I ended up with...
    -LG Blu-Ray Player
    -HDMI Switch
    -The Hangover on Blu-Ray
    -Grown Ups on Blu-Ray
    -HDMI Cable
    -Need for Speed Hot Pursuit
    -A hard drive cover for my HP tablet I got for free

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  • Justin Bieber 2011 Australian

  • ctt1wbw
    Nov 24, 06:58 PM
    Probably the nicest Mac Twitter client I've ever used.

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  • JaSuS
    Sep 21, 03:13 PM
    Antenna gate was blown out of proportion :rolleyes:

    It really was a non issue.

    However I do enjoy my free case :)

    +1 I enjoy everything :)

    Apr 2, 08:18 PM
    While you may think your sarcasm-laden post witty, the fact remains that you have not stated any kind of revelation.

    They do not care about ONE consumer...but they certainly are going to care about the thousands of units that are being returned and exchanged in hopes of finding one good unit.

    I would tell you to review the iPad forum but I have a feeling that message would be lost on somebody so insistent on keeping their head in the sand.

    I like how you continue to respond to this one person and ignore the posts about actual personal experience with iPads and those who own them, and those who have seen plenty of others' iPads, all without defects.

    Apr 3, 10:59 AM
    the iPad does nothing useful

    One of my patients has locked in syndrome, a condition in which he could only move his eyes. Over a year he regained use of his right hand. The iPad has given him a new lease of life - his voice, entertainment, etc. He would disagree with your idiotic statement.

    Sep 15, 08:51 AM
    As far as the car comparisons go, I actually had an issue that is on point (as opposed to comparing a safety recall to a reception issue.)

    I had a 2006 Acura TSX which got poor stereo reception because of an internal antenna. The official response was that it was "working as designed." They offered one year of satellite radio to anyone who complained about it.

    Sounds a lot like Apple's response!

    Apr 20, 07:22 PM
    so i hit 6 million on 17 mar, and today (20 apr) i hit 7 million! that's about 34 days. much better than my last million, but still not as good as it could be. hopefully i'll get everything worked out and going smoothly

    7 mil; I remember those days, not so long ago... Grats!

    Apr 2, 07:52 PM
    great ad. Totally unnecessary, since it's impossible to buy one in most places, but great ad nonetheless.